玛丽亚医院Introduction About MariaIntroduction 3PROMISES for Maria HOSPITAL S Customer High rate of pregnancy Simple treatment process Noble service Maria Fertility Hospital was established in1989. The mission of Maria is to provide comprehensive medical care andtreatment for infertile patients. Since commencing In VitroFertilization(IVF) research in 1989, Maria IVF has earned an reputation in the nationaland regional communities. Maria Fertility Hospital was established in1989. The mission of Maria is to provide comprehensive medical care andtreatment for infertile patients. Since commencing In Vitro Fertilization(IVF)research in 1989, Maria IVF has earned an reputation in the national andregional communities. Maria is currently the largest IVF center in Korea, andone of the most successful advanced fertility treatment facilities. Mariamedical corporation has built branch clinics in seven major cities in Korea :Incheon, Ilsan, Daejeon, Daegu, Busan, Pyungchon and Jeju. Each branch clinichas kept high quality laboratories and excellent staffs, just like in Seoul,and has achieved an equally high success rate in assisted reproductivetechnology. It is our objective to minimize the costs and stress associatedwith fertility therapy while maximizing the probability of conception byproviding the newest and highest technology in the patient-oriented,cost-effective office setting. We sincerely hope that all of you would realizeyour beautiful dreams in Maria. History 2011Maria branch Cilinic(Neway) opened inNew York, USA 201050,000 IVF babies in IVF program 2005Maria branch clinic opened in Beijing,China 1994First branch clinic opened in Daegu,Korea 1990The first IVF baby in natural cycle IVFin Asia 1989The first IVF success as a privateclinic in Korea 1966Maria OBGY clinic established
介绍 关于MariaIntroduction 玛丽亚医院对客户的三大承诺 怀孕率高 简单的处理过程 高贵的服务 玛丽亚生育医院成立于1989年。玛丽亚的使命 提供全面的医疗护理和治疗不育的病人。 自从开始体外受精(IVF)研究1989年,玛丽亚试管受精 赢得了声誉的国家和地区的社区。 玛丽亚生育医院成立于1989年。玛丽亚的使命是提供全面的医疗护理和治疗不育的病人。自从开始体外受精(IVF)研究1989年,玛丽亚IVF赢得了声誉的国家和地区的社区。玛丽亚目前最大的试管婴儿中心在韩国,和最成功的先进生育治疗设施。玛丽亚医疗公司在韩国在7个主要城市建立了分支诊所:仁川Ilsan,大田,大邱,Pyungchon釜山和济州岛。每个分支诊所一直保持高质量的实验室和优秀的员工,就像在首尔,取得了一个同样在辅助生殖技术成功率高。我们的目标是最小化与生育相关的成本和压力疗法而受孕的概率最大化通过提供最新和patient-oriented最高技术,具有成本效益的办公环境。我们真诚地希望你们所有的人会在玛丽亚实现美丽的梦想。 历史 2011玛丽亚分支Cilinic(花洒)在纽约,美国 201050年、000年IVF婴儿试管婴儿项目 在中国北京,2005年玛丽亚分支诊所开了 1994年第一个分支诊所在大邱,韩国 1990年第一个试管婴儿婴儿自然周期IVF在亚洲 1989年第一个试管婴儿成功在韩国作为一个私人诊所 1966年玛丽亚OBGY诊所建立
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